Public Notices

Advertisement for Board of Planning and Zoning

Upon application please note; The Board of Adjustment shall consist of five (5) members. Members of the Board of Adjustment shall be appointed by the Starke City Commission for a period of three (3) years. The terms shall be staggered so that no more than two (2) members’ terms expire in any given year. 

A Position held by a member of the Planning & Zoning Board will consist of hearing all requests for zoning and land use changes and offer a recommendation to the City Commission for approval or denial. A member shall be a person who can represent the public interest, and no person whose private or public interests are likely to conflict with it. 

Meetings shall be held at the call of the chairperson or Administrative Official and at such times as the Planning and Zoning Board may determine, provided that the Board shall hold at least one (1) regularly scheduled meeting each month, after due public notice, on a day to be determined by the Board. Meetings not regularly scheduled shall not be held without reasonable notice to each member and the public. If there are no zoning requests to review for that month, the meeting may be canceled by the Administrative Official. 

Members of the Planning and Zoning Board may be removed from office for cause by a majority vote of the City Commission. A member of the Planning and Zoning Board who is absent from three consecutive regularly scheduled meetings of the Planning and Zoning Board will be declared vacant by the City Commission. Any vacancy occurring during the unexpired term of any member shall be filled by the City Commission for the remainder of the term. 

All applicants are welcome to apply, a review screen will be completed by the Administrative Official, then applications will be advanced onto the City Commission for appointment.  

Apply for Planning and Zoning Seat


City of Starke, Florida
Request for Proposals
for Acquisition of Real Property

The City of Starke, located in Bradford County, Florida, requests Proposals from interested owners of real property which real property is located in the area described below (the “Subject Area”).  Said proposals shall be for the sale of such real property to the City of Starke on such terms and conditions as the respondent to this solicitation shall specify in respondent’s proposal, subject to further negotiation between the City and the selected respondent.  The purpose of this solicitation is to acquire real property as additional public space in support of the City’s ongoing economic development and redevelopment efforts in the City’s downtown area.

Qualified respondents desiring to be considered shall submit a sealed proposal containing the proposed contract document attached hereto and provided herewith (the “Proposed Contract”), with the following lines completed in the Proposed Contract:

  1. Line 2…………………………………………………………………. Seller Name
  2. Lines 4-5…………………………………. Street Address of Subject Property
  3. Lines 6-7……………… Abbreviated Legal Description of Subject Property
  4. Lines 8-9……… Any Personal Property to be Included in the Transaction
  5. Line 11……………………………………… Gross Purchase Price of Property
  6. Line 25…………. Net Purchase Price of Property (net of Escrow Deposit)
  7. Line 292-298…………………….. Seller’s Broker Information, if applicable

The City of Starke may give weight in scoring responses to any submission from a respondent limiting their proposal to only the terms of the Proposed Contract as supplemented by the information requested in Items 1 through 7, above, to complete the essential terms of the Proposed Contract.  Any proposed deviation from the remaining terms of the Proposed Contract may result in the respondent’s submission being designated as non-responsive.

To be considered responsive to this solicitation, the property proposed for sale to the City in a submission shall be located in that portion of Starke, Florida that is situated east of the CSX rail line, west of Church Street, south of E. Call Street, and north of E. Madison Street.  The ideal property will also have access from both E. Call Street and E. Madison Street (or service roads parallel to and below the E. Madison Street overpass) and have a gross parcel area of no less than 17,000 square feet.  Owners of multiple, contiguous parcels which parcels when combined meet the above criteria are encouraged to submit a single, joint proposal to sell such multiple, contiguous parcels to the City.

Submission of a proposal to the City in response to this solicitation constitutes a legally binding offer to sell the subject property to the City on the terms and conditions set forth in respondent’s proposal, and by submitting such a proposal a respondent agrees to hold such offer open for acceptance by the City until November 1, 2023.  Such offer to sell the subject property to the City shall be an exclusive offer and by submitting a proposal to the City in response to this solicitation a respondent agrees to bind itself to no other offers or contracts to sell the property until the passing of 12:00 PM on November 1, 2023.

Neither this Solicitation nor respondent’s proposals constitute an Agreement with the City. No agreement requiring the City to purchase the subject property is binding or official until all proposals are reviewed and accepted by appropriate City staff, approved by the City Commission of the City of Starke and an official agreement is duly executed by the City and the selected respondent. The selected respondent shall be required to sign a final agreement which the City determines to be fair, competitive, and reasonable.

Neither the City nor its representatives shall be liable for any expenses incurred by respondents with respect to the preparation, submission, or presentation of a response to this solicitation.  All information in the response shall be provided at no cost to the City.

Any questions or clarifications regarding this solicitation shall be submitted in writing to the City Clerk via email to on or before 12:00 PM (EST), Monday, October 23, 2023. Respondent(s) must clearly understand the only official answer or position of the City will be the one received in writing. The solicitation title shall be referenced on all correspondence. All questions must be received no later than the time and date specified above. All responses to questions/clarifications will be sent to all prospective respondents in the form of an addendum to this solicitation.

The proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope with the words “Real Property Acquisition Proposal” clearly marked on the outside of the envelope, and received by the City Clerk at Starke City Hall located at 209 North Thompson Street, Starke, Florida 32091 by 3:00 PM (EST) on Thursday, October 26, 2023.  The City assumes no responsibility for responses not properly marked.

The City will not accept responses delivered after the established deadline.  If a proposal is delivered after the stated deadline, a respondent shall be deemed non-responsive and will not be eligible for consideration under this solicitation.  No unsolicited modifications to proposals will be permitted after the date and hour of the opening of proposals.

Any response by any City office, receptionist or personnel other than the City Clerk’s office will not constitute “delivery” as required by this solicitation.  The City will not accept or consider responses submitted via facsimile transmission. The public is welcome to attend the opening of responses to this solicitation if there is one.

The City reserves the right to

  • accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive any irregularities, and to select the respondent that best fits the needs and interests of the City.
  • cancel this Solicitation and/or re-advertise and re-solicit the requirements at any time when determined to be in the best interests of the City.

A selection committee will conduct an evaluation of proposals and will rate each submitter based upon the following criteria:

Criteria                                                                                     Points
Property Size, Dimension, & Road Access………………. 1-15
Property Location……………………………………………. 1-10
Suitability for the City’s Purpose………………………….. 1-10
Complexity of Proposed Transaction…………………….. 1-10
Proposed Sale Price…………………………………………… 1-5
Maximum Total Points……………………………………….. 50

In the event of any dispute arising under or related to this solicitation and the Agreement issued pursuant thereto, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all actual attorney fees, costs and expenses incurred by it in connection with that dispute and/or the enforcement of the Agreement, including all such actual attorney fees, costs and expenses at all judicial levels, including appeal, until such dispute is resolved with finality.

City of Starke
Request for Qualifications for

Professional Engineering Services


Executive Summary:

The purpose of this solicitation is to receive responses from qualified respondents pursuant to Florida Statute 287.055 (the Consultant’s Competitive Negotiation Act or CCNA) to provide on-call civil engineer professional services to the City of Starke. Upon the completion of the response review process, the City intends to enter direct negotiations with the most qualified respondent.

The City reserves the right to make multiple continuing contract awards if deemed appropriate considering anticipated workload or other factors. The negotiated price schedule will become part of this contract and the price will be utilized for future jobs.

Click Here to View Request for Qualifications



Starke WWTF Upgrades Addendum No. 4

City of Starke, Florida (Owner) will received sealed Bids for Wastewater Collection System Upgrades & Rehabilitation REBID CWSRF WW040200, until 2 p.m. on October 5, 2022 at City of Starke Florida, City Manager’s Office, City Hall, 209 North Thompson Street, Starke, FL 32091.  Bids received will  be publicly opened and read. Bid security required:   5 percent of the Bid.  Project description:  sewer repairs in the City of Starke with rehabilitation that includes cast-in-place pipe lining, rehabilitation of existing manholes, and open cut sewer repair, new force main route installation, and all material and equipment, and construction services inherent to the Work.  Substantial Completion:  within 270 days; all Work except Warranty Inspection:  within 300 days; Final Completion (Warranty Inspection complete):  320 calendar days from Substantial Completion (45 calendar days prior to expiration of the Warranty Period.)  

Virtual pre-Bid conference:  September 14, 2022 at 11 a.m.; instructions for web conference to be sent to registered parties in advance.

Obtain Bidding Documents electronically:  on or after 10 a.m. on August 29, 2022.  Email (copy to with the subject line “Starke FL – Wastewater Collection System Upgrades & Rehabilitation REBID” to register and obtain Bidding Documents.

The Project being bid is subject to Section 255.20 Florida Statutes and other applicable Laws. The Owner expects to finance the resulting Agreement/Contract with assistance from the FDEP administering the SRF loan program supported in part with funds from the U.S. EPA.  Compliance with applicable requirements include as a minimum:   Florida Administrative Code Chapter 62-503  and/or Chapter 62-552 as applicable; applicable female participation; affirmative action and equal employment opportunity provisions; the American Iron and Steel requirements of H.R. 3547 “Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014”; and the Davis Bacon Act and wages.  Goal for female participation: 6.9 percent statewide.  Goal for minority participation: 22.2 percent for Bradford County.




City of Starke, Florida (Owner) will receive sealed Bids for East Call Street Lift Station Replacement REBID, CWSRF WW040200, until 2 p.m. on September 21, 2022 at City of Starke Florida, City Manager’s Office, City Hall, P.O. Drawer C, Starke, FL 32091.  Bids received will be publicly opened and read   Bid security required:   5 percent of the Bid.  Project description:   reconstruction of an existing pump station, and all materials and equipment, services, and construction inherent to the Work.  Substantial Completion:  within 300 days; Final Completion: within 345 days.

Virtual pre-Bid conference:  August 24, 2022 at 2 p.m.; instructions for web conference to be sent to registered parties in advance.

Obtain Bidding Documents electronically on or after 5 p.m. on August 16, 2022.  Email (copy to with the subject line “Starke FL – East Call Street Lift Station Replacement REBID” to register and obtain Bidding Documents.

The Project being bid is subject to Section 255.20 Florida Statutes and other applicable Laws. The Owner expects to finance the resulting Agreement/Contract with assistance from the FDEP administering the SRF loan program supported in part with funds from the U.S. EPA.  Compliance with applicable requirements include as a minimum:   Florida Administrative Code Chapter 62-503  and/or Chapter 62-552 as applicable; applicable female participation; affirmative action and equal employment opportunity provisions; the American Iron and Steel requirements of H.R. 3547 “Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014”; and the Davis Bacon Act and wages.  Goal for female participation: 6.9 percent statewide.  Goal for minority participation: 22.2 percent for Bradford County.