The City of Starke operates under the Commission-Manager form of government. The City Commission is elected by the voters and in turn, the Council appoints a professionally trained individual as its City Manager. It is the responsibility of the City Manager to handle day to day operation of City business. The City Commission makes policy decisions, and votes on all legislative or quasi-judicial matters required or enabled by state or federal law.
The City of Starke has an elected City Clerk and Chief of Police. City Clerk, Jimmy Crosby’s duties are defined by the City Ordinance Division 4. City Clerk Section 2-161. The City Clerk shall attend all City Commission meetings, keep accurate minutes of all proceedings, including all ordinances passed by the City Commission, custodian of all disbursements of all funds, issues and signs all warrants for the issuance of payments and keeps warrants issued in numerical number and orders. Serves as treasurer, receives all monies, serves as clerk to the Bond Trustees, tax collector, pension board administrator, issues and collects all licenses and fees, provides the City Commission, City Manager and Police Chief with all financial reports as needed.
Jimmy Crosby, City Clerk
Clerk to the City Commission
Custodian of Public Records
(904) 368-1301
Please Send Public Records Requests to Deputy City Clerk, Lisa Heeder at